In 1963 the avenue named after the great Armenian ashug Sayat-Nova appeared in Yerevan. In the same year there was set a monument to the poet. The words of the ashug are carved on the stone:
“Not every man can drink from my fulminating spring: it is of a special taste!
Not every man can esteem my scriptures: they are of special sense!”

Marble. 300×375×40.
Park of the Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas.
Architect E. Sarapyan.

The monument to the great ashug Sayat-Nova has fit into Yerevan’s image for ever; this monumental drinking fountain is the most loved and recognized by the citizens. Sayat-Nova is the pen name of the Armenian poet and musician, master of love poetry Harutyun Sayadyan (1712–1795).

“The monument is considered to be one of the best examples of architectural micro sculptures in urban environment” (B. Zurabov. “Ara Harutyunyan”. M., Soviet Artist, 1986). In 1964 Harutyunyan was awarded a silver medal of the USSR Academy of Arts for the monument of Sayat Nova.


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